Aquatubo 54″


Aquatubo 54″ or Enclosed Inner Tube slide is for use with inner tubes. Its design involves safety and a great balance between fun and family use, for a great flow of users.

Aquatubo 54″ is used with single or double inner tubes. It’s ideal to ride parents with their kids in a double tube in a translucent version. Adrenaline and fun can be added by making this ride completely dark which gives the user a completely different experience.

Users: Family Ride

Speed: Medium – High

Width: 54 inches (137.2 cm)

Height: 16’.5” – 39’ (5-12 m)

Arrival: Pool / Run Out

Gallons per minute: 1120 GPM (4200 lts / min)

Users: 720 per hour.

Combination: It can be combined with Open inner tube slide or Inner tube speed slides.